Peter Van Minnen
Body Stress Release
Peter is a registered Body Stress Release practitioner of over 27 years experience, having trained at the Body Stress Release Academy in South Africa, qualifying in 1992. He had become an enthusiast of BSR after being cleared of a 15 year back problem, some of it attributable to having being an architect, who crouched day (and night!) over a drawing board!
Over the last 24 years he has also applied BSR, with wonderful results, to horses and dogs. proof that there is no ‘placebo’ effect, where it comes to animals. This February 2020 he was invited to South Africa where he spent two weeks treating horses and dogs in Cape Town and the Garden Route, after a number of people had read his book ‘Horses Have Wings’, published in 2009, detailing some 53 case histories with horses.
Peter has been based in Westerham since 1993. He was also based at Neals Yard Therapy Rooms till 2017; famous clients there included: Dave Stewart (Eurythmics), actors Margaret Tyzack, Geraldine James and the odd ‘Eastenders’ star.
More importantly, a significant number of people who have failed to respond to conventional approaches have found relief with BSR, which is also applied as a “maintenance” treatment.
Sufferers from joint pain, sciatica, neuralgia, headaches, panic attacks, whiplash injuries, sports and accident injuries can all benefit from BSR, which is gentle, non-manipulative and is carried out with the client fully clothed.
BSR does not clash with any medication or medical treatment. Stress related symptoms, such as low energy and feeling under – par can also be successfully relieved by BSR.
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